Sunday, 26 February 2017


How nice would it have been if work was short and vacations long... 
Sounds like a distant dream right? Today though man has made rapid strides in technology and invented several time-saving tools and appliances, our lives have only got busier. In spite of all the inventions to free up our time, we spend increasing hours toiling at our workplace, only to reach home at late hours after spending hours through smoke-filled crawling traffic. Sometimes we bring work home too. Where has the much sought free time gone?

The worst malady of the modern professional is the dearth of time to relax and give oneself much needed physical and emotional rest. Instead we do a quick research on fast fixes for daily healthy problems, and try our best to remain fit without taking a pause from work. We buy exercise equipment, and work out on it while sipping on nutritious stuff. We pop nutritional supplements to compensate for the lack of proper food at proper times. In our busy schedule, taking care of our body becomes simply another chore to be quickly performed and dismissed.

The fact is simple - we cannot work against the laws of nature. If we try to do it, we just break ourselves. Nature intends us to rest. The entire animal kingdom rests in between moments of effort. Humans are not an exception.

So keeping this in mind, let use see how one can remain fit and healthy in spite of busy schedules, by making small yet significant changes.

1.    Pause every now and then. Whatever work you are doing, take out a few moments to close your eyes and tune in to the moment. Listen for the sounds around you, feel any sensations you are having, and keep all your senses at alert. Empty your mind and remain at peace with the present moment. Try this pausing ritual every now and then, so that your mind doesn’t get caught up in the daily grind and forget to experience life as it happens.
2.    Eat fresh, raw and green vegetables. The essentially of greens cannot be overstated. Juice them, create interesting salads, make soups, do whatever it takes to have them in abundant measure.
3.    Walk for exercise. Not all of us are able to set apart time for daily exercise. So walk whenever you can, on the way to your work, school or market. Use the stairs instead of the lift.
4.    Stretch regularly, while at work or while doing passive stuff like watching TV. A few simple stretches aiming at all major muscle groups keep your body agile and improves blood circulation.
5.    Stay hydrated: This is an important, but often underplayed necessity for healthy body and mind. Even mild dehydration can put our organs out of balance, and cause general weakness and irritation.
6.    Take time to connect: We are social animals, and in order to lead happy, fulfilled lives, we need more than superficial, professional interactions. We need true friendships, even if just one or two. Find time to speak to those love you, and let them know you care.

To conclude, the aim of healthy living is not to create shortcuts to attain good health while remaining busy at all times. It is learning to take pauses in between work, to collect one’s thoughts and relax oneself, so our body and mind gets the much needed rest. It is also about making healthy eating choices, giving the body natural movement and maintaining healthy relationships.

Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Centre
Near Royal RoseHOTEL, Pink Building (501) Floor 01
Electra Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 2 6767 366 / Fax: +971 2 6767 399
Mob: +971 52 1555 366 / +971 55 1555 366

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Fever in babies - when to seek a doctor

Our babies are our world, and seeing them sick is the worst nightmare of every parent. However they do fall sick every now and then, and the first few years are a hectic series of trips to the emergency and spending sleepless nights watching over our little one. Here are some tips that help you handle fever episodes in your baby in the manner best for her.

Step 1: Don’t panic

Fevers are actually a very common thing in babies. And most fevers mean nothing. Actually, they might be a good thing since higher temperatures enable the body to fight infections. As long as the baby is playing and acts her normal self, you can wait and watch, UNLESS it is one of the scenarios in Step 2.

Step 2: Check for temperature

According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, you need to contact your doctor immediately in the following scenarios:

1.    The child is under 3 months of age, and has a rectal temperature over 100.4°F
2.    The child is from 3-6 months of age, and has a rectal temperature over 101°F
3.    The child is more than 6 months old, and has a rectal temperature over 103°F

Step 3: Watch out for these symptoms accompanying a fever, which may warrant a visit to the doctor.

  • Refuses to feed and misses several feedings in a row
  • Baby is unusually sleepy or acts really sick
  • Crying nonstop
  • Forceful vomiting. Not able to keep liquids down for eight hours
  • Crying without tears, a dry mouth and fewer wet diapers- all indications of dehydration
  • Pain and discomfort while passing stool, with fewer bowel movements in the recent days (constipation)
  • Stuffed nose that lasts more than 2 weeks, ear pain or a cough more than a week old (symptoms of cold)
  • Loose, watery stools indicative of diarrhea
  • Sudden onset of an unexplained rash
  • Redness in one or both eyes, with or without discharge

Fevers are not always bad signs, so while we need to keep a careful watch, most fevers resolve on their own without medical intervention. So the next time you are woken up in the middle of the night to find your baby hot, flushed and sweaty, take a deep breath. Get her temperature checked, and check for other tell-tale symptoms that indicate the need to call the doctor right away. If all check points indicate no emergency, give your baby the time to fight the illness on her own. Seek supportive home care by giving her plenty of fluids, sponge baths or wipe downs to bring the fever down, or keep a cold washcloth on her forehead. Also keep her in a cool, well-ventilated room.

Being prepared save us as well as the doctor time during a phone call, office visit or emergency 
To Know more details about pediatricians in Uae

                                  Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Centre 
Near Royal Rose Hotel, Pink Building (501) Floor 01
Electra Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel: +971 2 6767 366 / Fax: +971 2 6767 399
Mob: +971 52 1555 366 / +971 55 1555 366

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Office Fitness: How To Keep Fit During Your Nine To Five

 Are you sitting down right now? Though it seems to be a part of normal, everyday routine, evidence points out the act of sitting does the body no favors, and a hell lot of damage.

We are a sitting class of working individuals, so to speak. While there has been a huge advent of all kinds of chairs to make us comfortable at the workplace- swiveling, recliner, adjustable, chaise lounge etc etc, the bad news is - sitting for too long is killing us silently.

The act of sitting lowers our metabolism, promotes obesity, and unleashes a pandora’s box of common maladies like heart disease, diabetes and arthritis, besides leading to premature death. Sitting is not something the human body is designed to do for long hours. Though having a seat everywhere and every time seems like an indispensable luxury, no amount of exercise can fully reverse the damaging effects of sitting all day long.

But most of us work for long hours in an office set up usually in front of a glaring computer screen, where one has no option but to sit right? Well there are ways to combat the ill-effects of sitting by introducing small changes to your working style.

Stand up

That might sound contradictory or outright foolish, but standing every now and then can negate the damaging effects of sitting to some extent. Stand whenever you can, whether it is to switch on the fan, reorganise your table, or have a chat across the cubicle.
Some offices incorporate sit/stand work culture where you have the option to place your computer at an elevation and work while standing. This has been found to reduce fatigue and boost performance.

Move about

If you don’t have excuses to leave your chair every half an hour, make them. Instead of asking your colleague something over chat or mail, walk over to them. Go for frequent water breaks, and (consequently!) bathroom breaks. Consider taking the stairs instead of the lift. You can even walk to and fro while talking on the phone, saving on time.

 Adjust screen height

The top of the screen should be at eye level, and one looks down at about 10 to view the screen. Viewing below this ideal height can lead to neck and back problems, while viewing above the ideal level can cause eye strain and dryness.

Workplace stretching program

Try simple and quick stretches for all major muscle groups every now and then to keep them in condition. Pay extra attention to the neck and shoulder muscles. These do not take up much time, and can be done without leaving your seat.

We are not prisoners of the chair. Our bodies are meant to be mobile, not to lead sedentary lives. Avoiding sitting for long hours at work can take time to become a lifelong habit, but the rewards are numerous. So don't waste time, go ahead and create opportunities for movement at your workplace.

Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Centre
Near Royal Rose Hotel, Pink Building (501) Floor 01,
Electra Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE

Tel: +971 2 6767 366 / Fax: +971 2 6767 399
 +971 52 1555 366 / +971 55 1555 366